Facets of Sinfulenss and Gracefulness for Living Ascetically
- Sin understood as the fantasy of idolatry that yields irrational alienation from God, lack of love
- Glutton understood as self-indulgence
- Arrogance understood as self-regard
- Hypocrisy understood as double-mindedness
- Theft understood as misappropriation
- Murder understood as astringency
- Adultery understood as infideltiy
- Remorselessness understood as hard-heartedness
- Fornication understood as satisfaction of desire
- Gracefulness understood as life in the presence of God, the blessedness of rational viture
- Poverty understood as non-possession
- Purity understood internal stillness and virginity
- Mercifulness understood as non-judgment
- Meekness understood as non-rebelliousness
- Longing for righteouness understood as struggle for single-mindedness
- Long-suffering understood as patient endurance and forebearance
- Mourning understood as broken-hearted compassion
- Peacefulness understood as forgiveness