Amma Theodora asked Pope Theophilus
What is the meaning of the Apostle's expression: 'Redeeming the time.'(Col. 4:5)Pope Theophilus answered her saying:
The term indicates the profit being gained, for instance, when an occasion for being maltreated comes, you purchase the time of maltreatment with humility and long-suffering, gaining a reward. Does an occasion of dishonor occur? Purchase the time with forebearance and find the reward, for if we will it, every adversity produces a spiritual benefit.Amma Theodora said
Strive to enter by the narrow gate (Lk 13:24; Mt 7:13), as trees cannot bear fruit if they do not undergo winter stroms and rains, so for us this age is a winter. We will not be able to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven other than through many affliciations and temptations.