Odes of Solomon


translated by James H Charlesworth, Scholars Press, ©1977

But again Grace was swift and dismissed the Corruptor,
And descended upon him to renounce him.

And he caused utter destruction before him,
And corrupted all his construction,

And he stood on the peak of a summit and cried aloud
From one end of the earth to the other.

Then he drew to him all those who obeyed him,
For he did not appear as the Evil One.

However, the perfect Virgin stood,
Who was preaching and summoning and saying:

O you sons of men, return,
And you their daughters, come.

And leave the ways of the of that Corruptor,
And approach me.

And I will enter into you,
And bring you forth from destruction,
And make you wise in the ways of truth.

Be not corrupted
Nor perish.

Obey me and be save,
For I am proclaiming unto you the grace of God.

And through me you will be saved and become blessed.
I am your judge.

And they who have put me on shall not be falsely accused,
But they shall possess incorruption in the world.

My elect ones have walked with me,
And my ways I will make known to them who seek me;
And I will promise them my name.
