Strategic Purpose
- To be fruitful in the Life given by Christ and be crowned in the Kingdom of Heaven by conversion of the inner chamber of the soul from the way of Death, having been illuminated by the Cross
Project Objectives
- Inviting the indwelling of the Holy Spirit through the acquisition of humility
- Repose of the nous in the abyss of love
- Transformation of the heart into a limitless sea of compassion
- Honorable magnification of the Mother of God by resembling Her Son and God
Project Labors
- Love God
- Love neighbor
- Pray without distraction unceasingly
- Extinguish cares by living on faith
- Cultivation of gratitude for mercies and kindnesses
- Present an attitude of forgiveness and meekness to those with ill will
Project Tools
- Endure suffering and humiliation
- Self-accusation, reproach, and ā€ˇconfession
- Willful cleansing of thoughts and the cutting off of passions
- Fasting and cutting off of material gratification
- Non-possessive alms for repentance out of death
- Compunction for arresting impulsiveness
- Keeping the praise of God in one's mouth at all times
Project Skills
- Obedience in contradiction of self-will
- Discernment of intentions and prompting
- Self-awareness and attention
- Silence-keeping and non-defensiveness
- Refusing to judge anyone or anything
- Self-disregarding charity and chastity as contradiction of self-indulgence
- Dispassion toward material gains and losses
- Perception of suffering in the world
Project Resources
- Willing heart
- Spiritual resolve
- Courage to be guided by Providence
- Horror at one's own short-comings
- Understanding sins and offenses as functions of selfishness, self-centeredness, indifference, and indiscretion
- Acceptance of responsibility for one's own behavior before the face of God's suffering
Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life: A spirit of idleness, despondency, ambition, and idle talking give me not. Rather: A spirit of chastity, humble-mindedness, patience, and love bestow upon me Thy servant. Yea, Lord and King: Grant me to see my failings and not condemn my brother, for blessed art Thou unto the ages of ages.
Rule of St. Seraphim of Sarov
O Lord, cleans me, a sinner, and have mercy upon me. O Lord, who hast created me, have mercy upon me. I have sinned without measure: have mercy on me. God, be merciful to me a sinner. O Lord, pardon my sins and transgressions. O Lord, I have sinned all the days of my life by word and deed, have mercy on me for Thy mercy's sake. Glory to The, O God, glory to Thee.